Clan Diamond Shark created their own experimental version of the Rotary Autocannon inwhich thanks to the use of Endo Steel in its construction, is lighter but bulkier. Like Ultra autocannons, Rotary autocannons are unable to make use of special munitions. At the same time, each extra shot increases the amount of heat the autocannon builds and increases the chance for a jam.

While it has the same bore, it is capable of firing up to six times as many rounds as its standard cousin, allowing it to deal three times the damage of even an Ultra Autocannon. Developed in the early s by the Federated Commonwealththe Rotary Autocannon is based only loosely on the Autocannon. Then Han later uses the pistol to battle Dryden Vos ( Paul Bettany) on his yacht.Support sarna. Han uses this blaster in the Train Heist on Vandor, then Lando Calrissian ( Donald Glover) temporally uses it during the Raid on Kessel before giving it back to Han. Then later, Beckett removes the barrel extension and stock and gives it to Han. In the film, this pistol was previously fitted with a stock and was used as a sniper rifle and owned by Tobias Beckett ( Woody Harrelson) during the Battle on Mimban, before handing it to Han in an extended scene. The DL-44 blaster pistol that was the blaster of choice for Han Solo ( Harrison Ford) throughout the previous Star Wars films makes a return appearance for young Han ( Alden Ehrenreich).

3.1 BlasTech SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster (Rexim Favor).2.5 BlasTech E-10 Blaster Rifle (S&T Sterling L2A1).

2.4 BlasTech E-22 Blaster Rifle (S&T Sterling L2A1).2.3 BlasTech A280CFE and A300 Rebel Blaster Rifles (AR-15).2.2 Tostovin Munitions JND-41 percussive cannon.2.1 Merr-Sonn Munitions SX-21 Blaster Rifle (M60).1.3 BlasTech EC-17 Hold-out Blaster Pistol.1.2 Monlitzer S-195 Blaster Pistol (Mannlicher Model 1905).1.1 BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol (Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer).