You can use the same username and password which you use to login to your system to log in through RDP.
Only give remote access of your PC to people whom you trust or those bounded by a contractual or legal obligation.
You should avoid it in commercial settings.
Although this method isn’t illegal, you will still be in breach with Microsoft Windows EULA (End User Licensing Agreement).
Make sure your Windows firewall allows TCP and UDP port 3389, which will be used by the RDP server as the default port.
To go to this setting directly, go to Run –> systempropertiesremote.
Add a tick mark beside “ Enable Remote Desktop” in System Properties.
There are a few things to note before you invite someone to remotely connect with your PC:
You can now test RDP access to your machine or do a localhost RDP connection test by launching RDPCheck.exe.
It should look similar to the screenshot below.
To view/change the configuration parameters of this wrapper, run RDPConf.bat from the folder.
Congrats! You have enabled RDP or remote desktop protocol and as a result, Windows Remote Desktop is now available on your Windows 10 Home PC.
Open install.bat and then update.bat ‘as admin’.
zip archive to a folder and open the folder. Or you can also download the zip file for manual installation. The specific filename is RDPWInst-v1.6.2.msi for automatic installation.